Ayurvedic Consultations – can be conducted remotely via zoom or face to face in my clinic in Mackay, QLD, Australia.
An Ayurvedic consultation incorporates traditional Ayurvedic diagnostic techniques such as pulse diagnosis (for local clients), tongue diagnosis and iridology. We cover a comprehensive enquiry into your current health situation to understand the current state of the bodily channels and tissues. I will also determine your current diet and lifestyle patterns and past health history.
During a consult we sit together for around 1 to 1.5 hours to gather the information and to determine your individual constitution so that a specialised healing program can be formulated. This program will include recommendations for diet and nutrition, lifestyle changes, therapeutic treatments and herbal formulations to assist in the healing process.
Therapeutic Treatments
All the therapeutic treatments are authentic to Ayurveda and given in a nurturing and professional environment. The therapies are unique in that they use Ayurvedic herbs and traditional medicated oils, each infused with up to 50 different Ayurvedic herbs. The medicinal oils and herbs used, nourish the body’s tissues, assist with detox and provide profound healing benefits.
Although you will feel benefits after one treatment, it is usually recommended to come for at least 3 treatments in a row, either weekly, fortnightly or monthly in order to see results. The frequency with which you come for your therapies will depend on your individual health situation.
- Ayurvedic massage – using warm medicated oils specific for your constitution
A flowing and nurturing full body massage using specific strokes and medicinal oils to nourish the body tissues. This massage stimulates energy flow and circulation, assists in elimination of toxins, improves immune function and leaves you feeling invigorated.
Ayurvedic massage is unique in that the oils and specific strokes used are relevant to your body’s constitution and present imbalances. It works on the marma points of the body to unblock stagnant energy. Massage to the head and face is always included using specific oils to calm the nervous system and improve complexion and skin texture.
- Shirodhara – Deeply relaxing reset for the entire nervous system
This unique therapy brings a total feeling of wellness and mental clarity.
A continuous stream of warm medicated oil is poured in a continuous stream over the forehead and scalp in a rhythmic flow, stimulating the pineal gland and energy points in this region.
The therapy allows for the body and mind to go into deep relaxation to assists in releasing stress and deep seated emotions from the nervous system. This re-set of the body’s nervous system and can bring profound healing benefits. Each shirodhara treatment concludes with a head massage.
- The benefits of shirodhara are effective to help:
- Calm the nervous system
- Reduce insomnia
- Ease shoulder and neck stress
- Overcome stress and depression
- Counter anxiety and panic attacks
- Regulate hormonal imbalance
- Assist with pre and post-menopausal issues
- Counter mental fatigue & tiredness
- Stabilise the seven chakras of energy centres in the body
- Ayurvedic Basti – Musculoskeletal therapy
For lower and upper back pain, sciatica, slipped discs, stiff necks and all musculoskeletal problems including sports and work injuries.
The Ayurvedic Basti therapy is a localised programme using a special dough placed over the problem area to hold heated medicated oils. This enables the effects of the oil to penetrate deeper into the tissues and muscles, lubricating and softening stiff and tight muscles instantly. After the oil is removed the marma points in the affected area are massaged to improve and repair the muscles tone, ligaments and tendons. Then localised steam/sweat therapy applied to the area to deepen the effect.
The different types of basti therapies include:
- Kati Basti – Lumbosacral area. Beneficial in conditions such as sciatica, lower back pain and disc problems.
- Uro Basti – Shoulder area. Beneficial in conditions such as frozen shoulder, dislocations, RSI problems, and shoulder pain.
- Greeva Basti – Neck area. Beneficial for cervical disorders, stiff neck, whiplash and migraines.
- Janu Basti – Knee joint. Beneficial for conditions like arthritis, osteoarthritis and osteoporosis.
- Vaksha Basti – Thoracic area. Beneficial for mid thoracic stiffness and to help release repressed emotions.
- Kizzali bolus massage
Kizzali Bolus uses herbal pouches (boluses) containing a mixture of fresh and dried medicinal herbs.
The boluses are dipped in warm medicated oil and used to massage the body. This treatment is used for chronic and deep-seated muscle, bone & nervous disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, joint pain, chronic fatigue and tiredness, arthritis, rheumatism, fibromyalgia and muscular dystrophy. This therapy includes a session in the steam tent afterward to assist with moving toxins.
Navar kizzi bolus massage
Navar Kizzi uses herbal pouches (boluses) with medicinal herbs and navar rice cooked in cow’s milk. The boluses are then dipped in a herbal decoction and used to massage the body. The therapy helps make the body supple, remove stiffness and increase strength. It also helps to improve sleep, immune strength, slow the ageing process and improve the lustre and texture of the skin. Navar Kizzi is also used in conditions such as high blood pressure, rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatism, joint and muscle pain, adrenal fatigue, inflammation, polymyalgia, neuritis and neurological disorders such as Parkinson’s.
Nasya (Nasal therapy)
Nasal therapy involves the application of warm medicated oil that is administered into the nasal passages followed by the application of heat to the region. The medicine helps to clear toxins from the channels that go up into the brain, interior of the head, eyes, ears and throat. Nasya can give relief to most disorders of the cerebral, sensory and motor functions of the body.
The therapy can be used in conditions such as chronic headaches, sinusitis, hair loss, toothache, ear ache, eye disorders, hoarse voice, stammering and alterations of voice, deafness, stiff neck and jaw, tonsillitis, diseases of the eyelids, cataracts, pigmentation of the face, hemicrania, diseases of the mouth, painful nose or eyes, facial palsy, hysteria, goitre and hormonal imbalances. In addition to these conditions the treatment has the added benefits of giving strength to the head, face, neck, shoulders and chest, improving breathing, sleep, anxiety, fear, stimulates the brain, tones the eyesight and improves sleep and energy on waking.
- Kanar Purna (Ear therapy)
This therapy includes the application of heat and medicated oils to the ear canal to treat a range of nervous system related imbalances. Our ears are directly exposed to the air and ether elements so are susceptible to imbalances of the nervous system. They are easily aggravated by cold, dry winds and the irregular stimulus that comes from our mobile phones, television and computers.
These external stimuli affect the ear and then the entire flow of nerve conduction and communication in the body. There are also small bones in the inner ear called ossicles, which vibrate when hit by sound waves. These bones stimulate nerve endings that transmit signals to the brain to be interpreted. From the Ayurvedic perspective, all this activity can dry out the organ and its function can be compromised. Hence the treatment for such imbalances is the application of warm oil, particularly when it is medicated with the addition of warming herbs.
Some benefits of Karna Purna include:
- Relieves stiffness in the neck and mandible
- Relieves ear pain and head ache
- Calms the entire central nervous system
- Reduces the symptoms of tinnitus
- Helps liquefy ear wax
- Lubricates ear canal
- Can improve hearing loss
- Akshi tarpana (Eye therapy)
This therapy uses warm ghee or medicated ghee that is retained within a dough ring that is sealed around the eyes to hold the liquid. Once the ghee is removed, the specific marma points around the affected area are then massaged. The treatment is best done over a series of 5 – 10 sessions which is best determined after a consultation. The medicinal qualities of the oil can help improve eye function, eyesight and eye conditions. This therapy can be used in conditions such as eye stiffness, darkness under the eyes, dry eyes, eye injury, excessive squinting, loss of eye lashes, blurred vision, difficulty opening and closing the eyes, conjunctivitis, glaucoma, trigeminal nerve problems, opacity of the cornea, watering of the eyes, painful eyes and swollen eyes.
- Swedana (Sweat detox therapy)
The word Swedana is derived from the Sanskrit “to sweat or perspire”. Swedana Karma or sudation is a group of procedures used to induce sweating. According to Ayurveda, such treatments are instrumental in helping to liquefy toxins and by opening the channels, allow the body to expel these toxic accumulations.
In Swedana Karma, sweat is produced by the application of heat. It may be applied wet or dry, to the entire body or just a particular area and with varying levels of intensity, depending on the illness being treated and the strength of the client.
A full body steam tent session is required and included in the kizzi bolus and udvarthanam massage therapies. Localised sweat therapy is also used for basti treatments and you can opt to experience the steam tent after an Ayurvedic massage for an extra fee.